Carré Magique enhances it performances with a booklet both esthetic and accessible to all

Français Programme spectacle Coordination : Idéographik Bretagne Category : culture – circus performance Client : Carré magique (National hub of circus art in Brittany) Collective realization:  Accès Culture –  Savina High School Performance CAMPANA of the circus TROTTOLA Brochure containing relief printing, braille and connected information was given to the 250 spectactors impartialy. For this…

« Culture for all » month via FALC, easy to read and understand, protocol

Français Is it feasible to adapt for easy reading and understanding the program of events « Culture for all », maintaining the present graphic design. Our mission is to clarify and organize the information, to adjust the contrasts, while respecting the predefined graphic design. « Culture for all » month in the Pays de la Loire region From 12th…